Start everything all over again
Monday, May 21, 2012 | 12:16 AM | 0 hearts♥
Believe, when you are most unhappy, that there is something for you to do in the world. So long as you can sweeten another's pain, life is not in vain -Helen Keller
hi guys!
i'm blogging at 15 mins to midnight and this is so cool, haha! How's everyone doing after the exams? Hope it's great and partying-rocking-the-whole-day! yup so i've been shopping these few days and i'm loving those things i bought! hehe here's a pix of what i bought today!
These are from cache cache, my favourite shop in Ion, love their clothes as they sell awesome shirts/dress/skirts and most importantly, they are trendy! ^^ and the watch was from a shop at Bras Basah, it was 'Love At First Sight' , hahaa i saw it at tangs but bought it at BBC!
Had lunch at kitchner scissor rice and really, they sell the best curry rice! hehehe awesome so you guys have to try it one day!
hehe so that's overall for today!
And there's one more thing i need to talk about..i feel like i'm being jinxed in my life, cause everytime i talk to my bro/parents then i'll somehow get ignored. And suddenly feel so alone without anyone i can really talk to! i know i have my awesome girlfriends and everyone else..but still, i feel lonely. I dont know how to describe it in words, haha, this sucks ): BUT i'm still very fortunate in life to have my family and friends! haha thank you guys :) oh yess i forgot! i've received my freaking exam results last Friday.
And yup, screw you mye. I remembered, the last week before exams, i'm chionging tuition, & chionging to revise every single subject. And after my last tuition before mye starts, my teacher called me. I realised it was all my problem for the god-damn-bad results i've got for mye. It was me. My attitude towards studies is not even right, and iam so pessimistic about all those questions i've got wrong. So from now on i've gotta change for the better and start being positive in life! hehe so that's all i've got to say! sorry for being so naggy today hehe bb guys! Have fun! :)
Ending off with camwhore as usual! [ not so nicely taken ): ]
bb :)